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Addiction treatment in Bangalore Hyderabad

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Addiction

Addiction is a complex, chronic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s not just about drugs or alcohol addiction can involve behaviours like gambling, internet use, or even shopping. At its core, addiction is characterised by a compulsive need to engage in certain activities despite harmful consequences. This compulsion stems from changes in the brain’s reward, motivation, and memory systems, making it difficult for individuals to experience pleasure from everyday activities. Have you ever wondered why someone can’t just stop their addictive behaviour? It’s because addiction is more than a lack of willpower. Factors like genetics, environment, and mental health play significant roles. Understanding these influences is key to empathising with those struggling with addiction. The good news is that addiction is treatable. One innovative treatment approach is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)?

ECT involves small electric currents passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. This treatment can alter brain chemistry and is particularly effective for severe cases of addiction, especially when other treatments have failed. ECT is administered under general anaesthesia, ensuring the process is safe and comfortable for the patient.

The History and Evolution of ECT

ECT traces back to the 1930s when Italian neurologists first experimented with inducing seizures to treat psychiatric disorders. Initially crude and controversial, ECT gradually refined in technique and application, becoming a standard treatment for severe psychiatric conditions. Modern advancements have improved safety, efficacy and optimal use in psychiatric care.

How ECT is Performed

During ECT, patients are first administered general anaesthesia and muscle relaxants to ensure safety. Electrodes are placed on the scalp to deliver controlled electrical currents, inducing a brief seizure. The procedure typically lasts a few minutes, and patients are closely monitored. ECT is usually administered in a series of sessions over several weeks, depending on the individual’s response and condition.

Get Addiction Diagnosed in Bangalore

Cadabams Hospital offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plans tailored to your needs for those struggling with addiction in Bangalore. Our expert healthcare professionals use a thorough evaluation process to diagnose addiction, including medical assessments, psychological evaluations, and behavioural analyses.
We specialise in various treatments, including Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. With personalised care and a supportive environment, Cadabams is dedicated to guiding you through your recovery journey effectively and compassionately. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life today.

Role of ECT in Addiction Management

ECT alters brain chemistry to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, aiding recovery when traditional treatments have failed.

The Mechanism of ECT in Treating Addiction

ECT utilises controlled electrical currents to induce brief seizures, significantly altering brain chemistry and neural pathways. This process helps reduce cravings and mitigate withdrawal symptoms, providing a neurological reset that supports addiction recovery by enhancing brain function and mood stabilisation.

Is ECT Effective for Addiction Management

ECT has proven effective in treating severe addiction cases, particularly when conventional treatments fail. By alleviating intense cravings and improving mental health outcomes, ECT enhances the overall recovery prospects for individuals struggling with addiction, making it a valuable tool in comprehensive treatment plans.

Combining ECT with Other Treatments for Addiction

Combining ECT with other therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication, enhances treatment effectiveness. This integrated approach addresses both the neurological and psychological aspects of addiction, offering a comprehensive strategy that supports sustained recovery and long-term sobriety.

Engaging Family and Support Systems in the ECT Treatment Process

Educating loved ones about ECT, its purpose, and potential benefits can alleviate fears and misconceptions. Involving family members in treatment decisions fosters a supportive environment for the individual’s rehabilitation.

Additionally, providing resources and guidance on how to offer practical and emotional support during and after ECT sessions enhances the overall treatment experience and promotes better outcomes.

Tailoring ECT to Individual Needs

Customising ECT treatment plans to individual needs ensures optimal results. This approach considers the patient’s unique medical history, addiction severity, and co-occurring mental health conditions, allowing for a more targeted and effective treatment strategy that maximises recovery potential.

What to Expect in an ECT Session for Addiction

In an ECT session for addiction, patients can expect to undergo a series of procedures in a controlled medical setting. After receiving general anaesthesia and muscle relaxants, electrodes are then carefully placed on the scalp to deliver controlled electrical currents, inducing a brief seizure under supervision. Sessions typically last a few minutes, and patients are closely monitored throughout.

Why Choose ECT for Addiction Treatment?

ECT may be chosen for addiction treatment in severe cases. It offers rapid improvement, enhancing recovery when traditional therapies fail.

Benefits of ECT on Addiction Patients

ECT offers addiction patients rapid relief from intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It’s especially effective for severe cases, resetting brain chemistry and enhancing overall mental health. When combined with other therapies, ECT provides a comprehensive approach to recovery, making it a powerful tool in addiction treatment.

When is ECT Recommended as a Treatment Option for Addiction

After traditional methods, such as medication and therapy, have proven ineffective, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be recommended for addiction treatment. It’s particularly useful for patients with severe addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression or anxiety, which complicate recovery.

ECT may also be considered when rapid symptom relief is needed to stabilise a patient, or when intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms hinder the effectiveness of other treatments. Ultimately, ECT is best suited for cases requiring a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to achieve significant and sustained recovery.

Patient Eligibility for ECT

Patients eligible for ECT typically include those with severe addiction who have not responded to conventional treatments such as medication and therapy. Eligibility criteria often consider individuals with treatment-resistant addiction, where traditional methods have failed to produce significant improvement.

Additionally, ECT is suitable for patients with co-occurring mental health disorders like severe depression or anxiety, which can complicate recovery efforts. It is also recommended for those experiencing intense withdrawal symptoms that are challenging to manage through standard care.

Patients needing rapid stabilisation due to severe symptoms may also benefit from ECT. Before undergoing ECT, individuals must pass a thorough medical evaluation to ensure they can safely receive the treatment, considering any underlying health issues.

A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals will assess each patient’s unique circumstances to determine if ECT is an appropriate and safe option for their addiction treatment.

Find the Best Rehab Centre for Addiction in Bangalore

Finding the best rehab centre for addiction in Bangalore involves researching facilities that offer comprehensive treatment programs tailored to individual needs. Look for centres with experienced mental health professionals, evidence-based therapies such as ECT and CBT, and a supportive environment conducive to rehabilitation.

Why Choose Cadabams?

Cadabams Hospital in Bangalore is renowned for its holistic approach to addiction treatment, providing personalised care and support for individuals and their families.

Expert Team of Psychiatrists and Therapists for Addiction

Cadabams Hospital boasts a team of skilled psychiatrists and therapists specialising in addiction treatment. They provide comprehensive assessments, personalised treatment plans, and ongoing support to individuals and families.

Post-ECT Rehabilitation and Therapy Options for Addiction

Cadabams offers comprehensive post-ECT rehabilitation and therapy options for addiction, including personalised treatment plans, medication management, psychotherapy, and vocational rehabilitation to support patients’ recovery and long-term well-being.

Family Support and Education for Addiction

Cadabams Hospital provides family support and education for addiction through counselling, support groups, and educational workshops, fostering understanding, communication, and coping skills to aid in the individual’s rehabilitation journey.

Ongoing Management and Relapse Prevention for Addiction

Cadabams Hospitals provides continued care and follow-up programs for individuals coping with addiction. Our team offers ongoing support, medication management, therapy sessions, and resources to prevent relapse and ensure long-term success and well-being.


Can Electroconvulsive Therapy help addiction?

Yes, ECT can be effective in severe addiction cases by resetting brain chemistry and alleviating intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Does ECT work for addiction?

Yes, ECT has shown effectiveness in managing severe addiction, particularly for those unresponsive to traditional treatments, providing rapid improvement in certain cases.

How much does electroconvulsive therapy for addiction cost?

The cost of ECT for treating addiction can vary depending on factors such as the location, the facility providing the treatment, the number of sessions required, and whether any additional services or consultations are included. Generally, ECT sessions in India can range from a few thousand to several thousand rupees per session. It’s advisable to consult with specific healthcare providers or facilities to obtain accurate pricing information.

How many sessions of ECT are required for treating addiction?

Individuals coping with addiction may need about 12-16 sessions, administered over several weeks. The exact number is determined by the healthcare provider, considering factors such as the severity of the addiction, co-occurring mental health conditions, and the patient’s overall progress.

Can ECT be Combined with Other Addiction Treatments?

Yes, ECT can be effectively combined with other addiction treatments. Integrating ECT with therapies such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), medication-assisted treatment, and counselling provides a comprehensive approach to recovery. This combination addresses both the neurological and psychological aspects of addiction, enhancing overall treatment effectiveness. Using ECT alongside traditional therapies, patients receive holistic care supporting long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

Does electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) help with depression?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a well-known therapeutic option for mood disorders, particularly resistant depression.

How often is maintenance ECT for mood cormorbidities?

From an acute series to a maintenance plan, ECT is usually tapered once a week for four treatments, then every two weeks for four treatments, every three weeks for four treatments, and finally every four weeks. If the treatment is effective, there is no limit to how long a patient can get maintenance ECT.

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