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Personality Disorder treatment

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Neurofeedback training was found effective on patients with antisocial personality disorder as it resulted in significant improvements on behavioural impulsivity measures, depression, psychopathic deviancy, paranoia, and anxiety. Neurofeedback has also been found to be effective in patients with borderline personality disorder in helping the patients downregulate the amygdala activation responsible for the intense emotional reactions characteristic of the personality disorder. Thus, neurofeedback can be an effective treatment method for treating the impaired regulation neural circuits that function to regulate emotion in personality disorders. Using neurofeedback in conjunction with other treatment modalities including medications (if required) and psychotherapy makes for an effective treatment plan for personality disorders.
Neurofeedback is generally considered a safe treatment intervention with reported side effects being mild and transitory. Although a majority of people who get neurofeedback training sessions do not experience side effects, some rare reactions may include – anxiety or depression, fatigue or low energy, muscle tension, social anxiety, headaches or dizziness, internal vibrations, etc.

Personality Disorder Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Personality Disorder and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Neurofeedback for Personality Disorder?

Neurofeedback is effective in helping re-regulate the brain regions responsible for emotional deregulation in patients with personality disorders.

What are the benefits of Neurofeedback for Personality Disorder?

Neurofeedback can act as a complementary therapy to pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy and can have several benefits in general such as enhanced emotional regulation, ability to perform and learn, attention span and memory, self-control and relaxation, concentration capacity and delaying the deterioration associated with aging.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

The number of sessions depends on the individual’s condition and their responsiveness to the neurofeedback training sessions.

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