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Addiction treatment in Bangalore Hyderabad

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Impact

The word ‘addiction’ may sound uncomplicated; however, it isn’t. It is a complex mental health condition that creates a powerful desire or craving for something even when one is very well aware of its consequences.

It can change the way our brain registers pleasure, altering the reward system and leading to compulsive behaviour. A person with addiction can manifest symptoms like nausea, dizziness, racing heartbeat, respiratory problems, increased blood pressure, headaches, heart disease, etc.

There are multiple factors that can contribute to the development of addiction in a person. From brain chemistry and mental health problems to genetic and environmental factors, each can play a significant role in predisposing someone to addiction.


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Biofeedback Therapy?

Though biofeedback therapy isn’t exactly a new method and has been in existence since the late 60’s, its popularity in recent times has spiked, mainly due to advancements in technology and its non-invasive nature.

Biofeedback is a therapy with special sensors attached that can track heart rate, breathing patterns, muscle activity, brain waves, and temperature. It also helps individuals learn how to control these signals better by allowing them to see what’s going on inside their body and mind.

The Science Behind Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a therapeutic method that uses electronic devices that can track physiological changes inside the body. Signals such as heart rate, body temperature, muscle tension, etc. can be instantly measured using this technology. The response given by biofeedback can help clients become aware of any maladaptive response.

Biofeedback also provides a chance for clients to get a better understanding of how certain thoughts and events are influencing their physiological responses.

Biofeedback vs. Traditional Therapies

Both biofeedback and traditional therapies have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages.

For example, biofeedback concentrates on the body-mind link, which allows individuals to have more control over their spontaneous bodily functions, whereas traditional therapies are more focused on addressing symptoms and underlying causes.

Biofeedback provides real-time assessment and is a non-invasive method. Traditional therapies, however, have a long history of proven records of effectiveness. These are some of the reasons why both treatment approaches effectively manage a range of conditions.

However, due to biofeedback’s constantly evolving nature, it can sometimes be challenging to stay updated. As for traditional therapies, side effects may be a reason that stop people from considering them as viable options.

Safety and Efficacy of Biofeedback

Biofeedback therapy is generally considered quite safe with little to no side effects. However, it may not be the right choice for people who already have certain medical conditions like skin problems and arrhythmia (heartbeat).

As far as efficacy is concerned, biofeedback is still a progressing technology, yet research has shown great potential in treating many mental health conditions ranging from PTSD and anxiety to Alzheimer’s and depression.

How Biofeedback Transforms Addiction Treatment in Hyderabad

As we have mentioned at the start of this article, biofeedback is a therapy that supports individuals in learning self-regulation skills to reduce stress, anxiety, and other mental conditions. By providing real-time data, biofeedback helps individuals become cognizant of their physiological responses, and this heightened awareness plays an important role in preventing relapse.

In Hyderabad, Cadabam’s is among the first centres to introduce the use of biofeedback in treating addiction.

Benefits of biofeedback for Addiction patients

Biofeedback therapy offers a lot of benefits for people with addiction problems. Some of the benefits include: –

  • Improved self-regulation
  • Enhanced emotional regulation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Better sleep quality
  • Reduction in physical symptoms
  • Lower reliance on medication
  • Personalised treatment
  • Complementary to other therapies
  • Real-time monitoring and feedback

How biofeedback complements traditional Addiction treatments

Biofeedback as a standalone treatment may not be as effective as when it is used along with other therapies as a complementary treatment. By including biofeedback therapy with other existing therapies, it improves symptom management, treatment outcome, and quality of life.

Navigating the Biofeedback Process for Addiction in Hyderabad

Biofeedback involves various processes in addressing addiction. Some of these processes are: –

Patient preparation and involvement

Biofeedback therapy is a collaborative effort between the client and the therapist and during this process, sensors are attached to the client’s body to measure and monitor physiological responses.

During the therapy, the client and therapist discuss various topics to find out how the body responds to certain triggers, and then the therapist will help the client develop coping mechanisms to manage those responses effectively.

Steps involved in biofeedback therapy

Biofeedback therapy starts with a comprehensive assessment to create the patient’s specific goals and baseline physiological responses.

Sensors are then used to monitor these responses as patients engage in relaxation techniques or cognitive exercises. Throughout the process, real-time feedback is provided, allowing patients to refine their approach under the therapist’s guidance until the desired physiological changes are achieved.

Monitoring and interpreting biofeedback results

During your biofeedback session, live data from sensors, displaying physiological responses such as heart rate and brainwaves, are observed by the therapist on a screen.

These changes are analysed in conjunction with your emotional responses during discussions to assess your reaction management. This analysis provides insights that guide adjustments to exercises and inform a treatment plan tailored to your objectives.

Customising Biofeedback Therapy for Individual Needs in Hyderabad

Health conditions are experienced uniquely by each individual, with personal responses varying accordingly. Biofeedback offers a therapeutic approach that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each person.

Assessing individual patient needs

As we all are built differently with unique characteristics, our reaction to medication, treatment, and therapy all varies. Finding out this diversity and understanding its complexity is important, as these factors determine the success rate of biofeedback therapy.

Developing personalised biofeedback plans

By recognising the uniqueness and body response to stressors, professionals can create a customised treatment plan which enhances the targeted physiological responses.

Adjusting therapy based on patient response and progress

Based on the progress observed by the therapist, backed by biofeedback data, necessary changes or tweaks are made to the treatment approach and training exercises to optimise the result.

Integrating Biofeedback into Holistic Addiction Care in Hyderabad

Now as we know that addiction is a complex condition and considering the various factors, we have discussed earlier it is apparent that no standardised treatment exists for addiction.

The treatment needs a more holistic approach, hence at Cadabam’s Hyderabad, we have employed a comprehensive treatment plan that offers enhanced outcomes and improved quality of life.

Role of biofeedback in a broader treatment plan

Biofeedback plays a complementary role within comprehensive addiction treatment programs. It enhances a patient’s self-awareness of physiological responses and empowers them to develop self-regulation skills. This therapeutic approach effortlessly integrates with interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), potentially optimising treatment outcomes.

Collaborating with mental health professionals

Cadabam’s Hyderabad facility leverages a multidisciplinary team of mental health experts. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive treatment plans specifically tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Treatment sessions are painstakingly designed to address identified areas of concern, prioritise transparent communication, and promptly share treatment progress with patients and their families. This collaborative effort boosts optimal treatment outcomes for individuals with addiction, equipping them with the necessary tools and support for effective disease management.

Find the Best Biofeedback Therapy for Addiction Management

Finding a suitable biofeedback therapy for addiction treatment is important, especially for people seeking holistic care. When evaluating biofeedback options in Hyderabad, there are a few points one needs to keep in mind. For example, specialised in personalised treatment approaches and experienced professionals with skills in biofeedback techniques for addiction management.

At Cadabams Hyderabad, our team excels in devising individualised biofeedback therapy plans to foster lasting progress and elevate overall mental well-being.

Cadabam’s Hospital: Pioneering Biofeedback Therapy for Addiction in Hyderabad

Established in 1992 and boasting over three decades of experience in mental healthcare, Cadabam’s Hospitals has emerged as a leading innovator in the field.

Notably, Cadabam’s was also among the first facilities in India to introduce biofeedback therapy for a wide range of mental health conditions, including addiction. This commitment to pioneering evidence-based treatment approaches continues to position Cadabam’s at the forefront of mental healthcare in India.

Our Expertise in Biofeedback Therapy for Addiction

At our advanced facility, our experienced professionals offer unmatched expertise in biofeedback therapy. Through advanced techniques and personalised care, we empower individuals to effectively manage their addiction symptoms and triggers.

Assessment and Personalised Treatment Planning for Addiction

At Cadabam’s, our mental health professionals thoroughly assess factors like medical history, real-time biofeedback data, and responses to triggers to create a personalised and effective treatment plan.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Supportive Environment for Addiction

At our state-of-the-art facilities in Hyderabad, we offer top-notch amenities tailored to provide the best care and results with therapies like biofeedback. Here, we ensure each individual receives treatment in a secure and supervised environment with efficient support.

Ongoing Support and Monitoring for Addiction

Addiction demands a meticulously crafted treatment approach, ongoing support, and constant monitoring, and at our centre, we ensure all these aspects of treatment are met with diligent care and attention.

Comprehensive Care Approach at Cadabams for Addiction

Addiction can be managed through effective treatment methods. Cadabams provides a diverse team comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and social workers to help individuals attain sobriety.

These methods may involve medication, therapy, biofeedback, and skill enhancement programs to counter all aspects of the condition, enabling individuals to lead rewarding lives.


How does biofeedback therapy help in Addiction management?

Biofeedback therapy aids addiction management by enhancing self-awareness of physiological responses like heart rate and muscle tension. This awareness empowers individuals to regulate their physical reactions, complementing traditional therapies to foster comprehensive recovery.

What can patients expect during a biofeedback session?

During a biofeedback session, patients can expect to learn techniques to control physiological responses using sensors that measure bodily functions like heart rate and muscle tension. This data helps tailor therapies aimed at enhancing self-regulation and well-being.

How biofeedback is therapy integrated with other Addiction treatments?

Biofeedback therapy is seamlessly integrated with other addiction treatments by analysing physiological responses to enhance treatment effectiveness. This integrated approach ensures comprehensive care, combining biofeedback techniques with traditional therapies to optimise recovery outcomes.

How effective is Biofeedback for Addiction?

Biofeedback is effective in managing withdrawal symptoms of addiction, enhancing emotional wellness, and reducing the chances of relapse.

Is Biofeedback for Addiction safe?

Biofeedback is a safe treatment option generally and may have some mild and temporary side effects. However, it might be risky for people with certain medical complications such as heart issues, therefore it is advisable to conduct physical examinations before considering biofeedback therapy.

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of biofeedback sessions depends on the severity of the individual’s addiction as well as how responsive they are to the sessions.

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