Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful events of day-to-day life. However, for people with anxiety disorders, these fears and worries are not temporary and persist long after, or even in the absence of a significant stressor. Their anxiety negative impacts their day-to-day functioning and can even get worse over time. Medications, in the case of severe anxiety, are recommended for people with severe anxiety or anxiety disorders. However, it alone is not considered effective and is combined with
counselling for a more effective treatment. Often people with anxiety disorders try to deal with it by avoiding the situations or experiences that cause anxiety. However, this only fuels anxiety and is not effective in the long run. Furthermore, people with anxiety disorders have particularly negative reactions to their uncomfortable emotions. Counsellors are trained professionals who can diagnose various anxiety disorders as well as create a treatment plan for the individual to treat their particular anxieties. Counsellors help the anxious individual learn how to change their thoughts that contribute to anxiety as well as use techniques that help soothe their anxious mind.