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Autistic Spectrum Disorder Treatment

Meet Our Team Of Autism Psychiatrists


To deal with the symptoms of an individual with ASD, various treatments have been developed including speech and language therapy, social skills training, and occupational therapy. There are various approaches that involve the family such as Floor play, Collaborative Problem Solving, and Functional Behavioural Analysis. However, in the taking care of the autistic individual, the family may find themselves overwhelmed with stress and engaging in conflicts. Moreover, family therapy can act as a useful intervention that allows the family members to take care of their own needs physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Family therapy can help members deal with the confusion, frustration, anxiety, anguish, and shock that can come about in dealing with a child who has developmental delays, unlike other children. As members try to continually take part in helping the child learn essential skills and engage in regular professional treatment, it can take a toll on their own mental and physical health causing the feeling of burnout, which family therapists can help address and reduce. Family therapy also helps identify and reduce the stress and strife in the family that can be challenging for autistic individuals to deal with, who thrive in consistent and calm environments.


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Family Therapy for Autism?

Family therapy is effective in helping address the emotional issues that family members face as a result of taking care of an individual with autism as well as manage other behaviours and environments that can be challenging for the autistic individual and make their behaviours worse.

What are the benefits of Family Therapy for Autism?

The benefits of family therapy for a family with an autistic individual include –

  • Helping members deal with their emotional issues,
  • Learning effective parenting approaches that help manage the autistic challenges,
  • Help identify challenges that other members, such as siblings, could be facing as a result of tending continuously to the autistic individual,
  • Help reduce strain in family relationships that otherwise increase the autistic individual’s acting out behaviours,
  • Strengthen relationships between family members,
  • Resolve any family conflict,
  • Create a supportive environment which creates positive cycles benefitting the whole family.

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of sessions required depends on the unique challenges that each family with an autistic individual faces as well as their response to the sessions.

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