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Autistic Spectrum Disorder Treatment

Meet Our Team Of Autism Psychiatrists

Understanding Autism: Symptoms, Causes, and Impact

To understand autism better, it is necessary to be familiar with its symptoms, causes and impact. They are explained below.

Identifying Symptoms of Autism

Autism is a condition which manifests a wide spectrum of symptoms, differing in severity from one individual to another. Common symptoms are:

Social Challenges: Problems perceiving social cues, initiating conversations, or sustaining relationships.
Communication Issues: Delayed speech, limited vocabulary, or inability to keep a conversation.
Repetitive Behaviours: Repeating actions, sticking to routines, or focusing intensely on special interests.
Sensory Sensitivities: Overreaction to sounds, textures, lights, or smells.
These signs are early to begin and persist throughout life, underlining the need for early diagnosis and intervention.

Exploring the Causes of Autism

Studies couldn't reveal the exact causes behind autism. To date, the studies reveal a combination of genetic and environmental factors that cause autism. Some of the factors that influences are listed below.

Family history of autism
Advanced age of parents at conception
Prenatal and perinatal complications

The Social and Emotional Impact of Autism

Autism affects not only the individual but also families and caregivers on a broader scale. Commonly experienced challenges include social isolation, emotional strain, and financial stress for the family.

Increasing awareness and making effective treatments accessible can decrease the burden on the family and everyone involved.


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Neurofeedback Therapy? 

Neurofeedback is advanced, cutting-edge approach to brainwave monitoring, where a person trains himself or herself to modulate brain activity. By providing real-time feedback, neurofeedback therapy aids in improved control over emotional, behavioural, and cognitive performances. 

The Science Behind Neurofeedback Therapy 

In neurofeedback, electroencephalography is used to monitor brain wave activity. The pattern of brain waves is displayed on the screen and the person is trained to change these patterns through visual or auditory feedback.  

In this way, the brain is gradually reprogrammed to function better, and the symptoms of autism are reduced. 

Neurofeedback Therapy vs. Traditional Therapies 

Traditional therapies for autism, such as speech and behavioural therapy, are aimed at managing symptoms from the outside. Neurofeedback, however, deals with the root cause by directly targeting brain function. When combined, these therapies create a comprehensive approach that enhances overall treatment efficacy. 

Safety and Efficacy of Neurofeedback 

Research and clinical evidence favour neurofeedback as a safe and effective intervention. It is non-invasive, drug-free, and has few side effects. Improved areas with people with autism include attention, emotional regulation, and social interaction. 

Get Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed in Hyderabad 

Early and accurate diagnosis of autism would help in the effective management of this syndrome.  

If you are searching for autism diagnosis in Hyderabad, then look for the one who provides developmental assessment, behavioural evaluation and consultation with experienced specialists.  

When diagnosed, families can institute timely interventions specific to the needs of their child. 

Neurofeedback Therapy in Hyderabad for Treating Autism 

Explore the process involved in neurofeedback therapy in treating autism below.  

Mechanism of Neurofeedback in Autism Treatment 

Neurofeedback targets abnormal brainwave activity, common in people with autism, and reduces these troublesome symptoms such as anxiety, impulsivity, and sensory sensitivities by directly training the brain to modify these more benign patterns. It actually supports better self-regulation and cognitive function. 

Customising Neurofeedback for Individual Needs 

The symptoms and experience of the individual suffering from autism is different and so are the treatment requirements. At Cadabam’s, we offer a neurofeedback programme for the person based on their brain wave patterns and symptoms and aims of their therapy. In this manner, the optimal outcomes are possible. 

Integrating Neurofeedback Therapy with Other Treatments for Autism in Hyderabad 

Neurofeedback must be used along with other therapies. At Cadabam’s Hyderabad, we integrate it with: 

  • Behavioural Therapy to reinstate positive behaviours. 
  • Occupational Therapy to develop skills and improve integration of sensory functions 
  • Speech Therapy to enhance speech and other communication skills. 

This holistic approach is all-inclusive for providing treatment to individuals with autism. 

What to Expect in a Neurofeedback Therapy Session for Autism in Hyderabad 

A neurofeedback session, in general, is simple, non-invasive, and engaging. Here’s how it goes: 

  1. Preparation: Sensors are placed on the scalp of the individual, measuring brain activity. 
  1. Real-time feedback: Brain waves are shown, and they give feedback in the form of sound or visuals. 
  1. Training: They guide the individual to make modifications in their brain activity for attaining the desired state. 
  1. Duration: Sessions are usually 30–60 minutes long. Multiple sessions are recommended for long-lasting results. 

Why Choose Neurofeedback Therapy in Hyderabad for Autism Treatment? 

Neurofeedback for autism is unique because it addresses the neurological issues instead of just surface level symptoms. It is personal, non-invasive, and drug-free, making it an excellent choice for people with autism.  

The Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy for Autism Patients 

Some of the key benefits of the neurofeedback therapy for autism in Hyderabad are mentioned below.  

Improving Cognitive Function and Symptom Management 

Neurofeedback improves attention, memory, and problem-solving skills. It improves symptom management and enhances independence with daily functioning. 

Enhancing Emotional Regulation 

Neurofeedback helps an individual regulate his emotions by training the brain to achieve balanced activity. This would eventually lead to decreased anxiety levels, fewer meltdowns, and more effective social interaction. 

Long-Term Outcomes of Neurofeedback Therapy 

Regular neurofeedback treatment brings lasting improvements. Many patients see improvement in behaviour, emotional balance, and cognitive skills that benefit their general lifestyle. 

Why Choose Cadabam’s Hyderabad? 

At Cadabam’s, we have been offering exceptional mental health care service for over 32 years and continuing the legacy.  

Our Expertise in Neurofeedback and Mental Health for Autism 

Our team of professionals brings years of experience in neurofeedback therapy and autism care, and our evidence-based approaches ensure the best outcomes for individuals and families. 

State-of-the-Art Facilities in Cadabam’s for Autism 

Our facility is equipped with the advanced technology and amenities to conduct the therapy sessions effectively and comfortably. 

Commitment to Holistic Treatment and Recovery for Autism 

We believe in treating the individual and not the condition. Our holistic programmes address the emotional, social, and developmental needs of the child for well-rounded care. 

Continued Care and Follow-Up Programs for Autism 

Recovery doesn’t end at therapy. We provide continued care programmes, such as regular assessments and follow-ups, to track progress and continue support. 


Can Neurofeedback help with Autism? 

Yes, neurofeedback will improve cognitive, emotional, and behavioural symptoms of autism through the direct intervention of brain functioning. 

How long does a Neurofeedback treatment session last for Autism? 

The sessions last for 30 to 60 minutes, with the number of sessions dependant on the individual’s needs. 

Who is eligible for Neurofeedback therapy? 

Neurofeedback is for individuals of all ages with autism or associated neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Is Neurofeedback safe for treating Autism? 

Yes, neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive treatment with minimal side effects that makes it suitable for any person with autism. 

At Cadabam’s, Hyderabad, we are compassionate, expert, and innovative to change the lives of people with autism. Neurofeedback therapy is one of the many things we do to make a difference. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help your loved ones thrive. 


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