Behavioral Disorders in Children

Behavioral Disorders in Children: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Behavioral Disorders in Children: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment What are behavioral disorders in children? Growing up most children tend to exhibit impulsive or defiant behavior. Although with development such reactions and tendencies shown by the child may be substituted by healthy reactions and adaptive behavior, for some these behaviors continue...

Dr. Keerthi Sagar

05 May,2021 | 4 years read

Child Development: Psychologist Perspective

Children develop at different rates and ideally no two children must be compared.  Children today are bought up in different settings than we were, be it technology, media, economic status, etc. It is so different that if we had to compare our growing years to theirs we wouldn’t be able...

Dr. Raja Mahabaleshwar Hiremani

17 April,2017 | 8 years read

Understanding and Managing Child Behaviour Problems

All children are not the same in their development and also in their patterns of behaviour. Most of the children learn appropriate behaviour with the help of the parents and teachers. Children show temper tantrums and aggressive or destructive behaviours in some situations. But it has been months together, and...

Dr. Rajashekar

10 April,2017 | 8 years read