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Drug addiction treatment

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Neurofeedback, as a supplement to pharmacotherapy, has been found to be an effective treatment for drug addiction. After neurofeedback treatment, psychological improvements in people with drug addiction have been reported. Neurofeedback has also shown to be effective in helping people with addiction maintain abstinence. However, if after neurofeedback sessions the person with addiction goes back to the same environmental challenges and habits, the person may have a relapse. This is why neurofeedback cannot be a standalone treatment option, and has to be supplemented by psychotherapy, support groups, and medications.

During the procedure, a neurofeedback specialist will create a brain map of areas in the addicted individual’s brain that show abnormal electrical activity. The specialist will then create a training program using neurofeedback that will help correct underactivity, overactivity, and inactivity of different areas of the brain. In this way, the physiological symptoms of addiction, and as a result, the mental symptoms of addiction show improvement.

Drug Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Drug Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Neurofeedback for Drug Addiction?

Neurofeedback helps a person with addiction improve their physiological symptoms due to addiction, which cause an improvement in the mental symptoms of addiction as well. It is also effective in boosting rates of sobriety in recovered addicts.

What are the benefits of Neurofeedback for Drug Addiction?

Neurofeedback is helpful in treating drug addiction in diminishing drug cravings, minimizing relapse episodes, improving emotional health, managing withdrawal symptoms, enhancing cognitive abilities, improving sleep, managing stress, tension, and negative thoughts, increasing focus and attention, controlling emotions and moods, decreasing impulsivity, improving overall life function, reducing self-destructive behaviours and enhancing self-regulation.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

The number of sessions required is variable as it depends on the person’s severity of addiction and their response to the sessions.

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