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Everything To Know About Lifestyle Issues- Overview

The pace of living in today's world has reached a stage where people are pressured into earning more money to keep abreast of the ever-spiralling cost of living. 

Recent findings, released by the National Institute for Mental Health, indicate that about five per cent of children suffer from bouts of anxiety and depression. This figure gradually increases with the person's age, to reach about twenty-six per cent for persons over the age of eighteen, who are affected by anxiety, depression or stress. Psychotherapy and counselling can help in the initial stages and ensure that stress does not escalate into something more serious.

Cadabams provides a wide range of psychotherapy like mindfulness therapy, one-on-one counselling, group and family therapy, CBT, etc based on the individual's needs to holistically tackle everyday stress and learn healthy coping mechanisms. Our multispeciality team of psychologists, counsellors, therapists and physicians with over 3 decades of experience help us provide the treatment you deserve.

People are being diagnosed with more mental health problems as they mature, and this can be attributed to the pressure of day to day living in our modern society. The fast pace and the higher standards that have been set, seem to be taking a toll on people's mental health. Unfortunately, we are not content to live together in harmony, life has evolved into constant competition with our neighbours. We compete to find a job and keep it, then struggle to attain a comfortable lifestyle.

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. Some people cope with stress more effectively and recover from stressful events more quickly than others while other delve deep into unhealthy methods to cope and response towards stress - 

  • Watching endless hours of TV, and Mobile
  • Spending aggressive amount of time on social media
  • Withdrawing from social life to avoid facing problems
  • Overeating or weight gain
  • Undereating or weight loss
  • Sleeping too much
  • Alcohol consumption & Smoking
  • Lashing out at others or violent outbursts
  • Taking over-the-counter drugs that promise some form or relief, such as sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, or anti-anxiety pills
  • Taking illegal or unsafe drugs

How do you know if your lifestyle is affecting your health? 

We all need to look at our current lifestyle and ask ourselves a few questions which will enrich your health and your families. Ask yourself :

  • Is your lifestyle healthy?  
  • Do you smoke, drink in excess and gamble? Do you know the health implications?
  • Do you feel "blue" on most days and have dropped interest in things you used to enjoy?
  • Are you impatient? 
  • Do you get angry quickly?
  • Do you find it difficult to take at least 15 minutes for yourself every day?
  • Do you have heart racing? 

How lifestyle issues can affect your mental health? 

What results in the mental phase when you are faced with lifestyle issues? Here are some of the potential adverse effects:

Your mind may slow down - Did you know that just lifestyle issues can lead to inadequate sleep which in turn can massively impact your attention span, alertness, concentration, and ability to solve problems? Those who normally find it hard to sleep could have impaired intelligence and mental development.

Your memory may be less optimal - While you sleep, the things you have learned and experienced during the day are thoughts to be organized or "filed" in your mind properly for future use and access. Now, if you are not getting enough sleep you would have trouble remembering what you go through today.

You may grow depressed - Lifestyle issues have been associated with the development of depression. According to some studies, people who regularly report lifestyle issues were five times more likely to show depression symptoms. 

Your happiness levels may be affected - An imbalance in the chemicals and hormones affecting mental clarity, emotions, and mood - the bigger context that makes it possible for you to be relaxed, calm, and happy. 

Lifestyle issues integrate different types of stress and stress management is extremely crucial. it is essential for a better chance of holding on to a healthy and successful life. Consider the following steps to prepare a stress management strategy.

  • Identify the root of the problem and address it.
  • Let the unnecessary stress-triggers go.
  • Deal with emotional tension.

Treatment for Lifestyle Issues

  1. Seeking Help for Lifestyle Issues

A proactive approach to one's mental health will go a long way toward restoration of balance and stability of the mind and the emotions.

Recognize you are an important role model for the people around you on a daily basis. You live a healthy lifestyle and practising what you preach will generate good healthy results around you as well and foster healthy lifestyles for years to come.

Why Cadabams?

Many mental health problems are rising from lifestyle issues that are plaguing mankind in these modern times, and some appear to be trivial while others are extremely serious. However, the most trivial issue can be very serious for the person involved and should be professionally treated in its early stages before it becomes an insurmountable mental health problem. 

At Cadabams, we are firm believers that Lifestyle issues need to be focused on more than just mental-health problems. As the pioneers of private behavioral health services and one of the most experienced and prestigious mental health institutions of India, we believe that the right psychological help and support can enhance life, increase happiness, and productivity.

Our multispecialty team works with you and customises stress management programs that are just what you need. At Cadabams, we care for you. For more information, please get in touch with us.

At Cadabam's Hospital, we use lifestyle counselling techniques to help teens & adults better manage their stress. We bring acclaimed solutions that are aimed at helping teenagers live a healthier, stress-free life. Contact us today. Please do contact us @+91 97414 76476 or visit Cadabam’s Hospitals.


How do I know if I need Lifestyle Counseling?

When you overindulge in any particular activity that is hampering your productivity and yielding negative results at work, it is time to consult a professional that will help you analyse your lifestyle choices

Which Lifestyle choices are considered healthy?

It is always a good habit to have a balance in life. Make sure to take out time to focus on your mental well being through meditation and relaxation practices. Also, indulge in any form of physical activity on a regular basis for a healthy living. Prepare a time schedule and divide your work according to your priorities and maintain a regular sleep cycle. 


Does lifestyle counseling improve one’s professional and personal life?

People seek expert help to improve their lifestyle when they are unable to do so on their own. Lifestyle counseling has provided positive results and brought a healthy change in many people’s lives, both professionally and personally. 

      doctors | Everything To Know About Lifestyle Issues- Overview

      Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can be a long and bumpy road. If you are willing to get the support you need and ready to stop drinking you can recover from alcoholism no matter how bad the addiction is or how powerless you feel. Most people with alcohol problems do not decide to make a big change out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight. However, once you have made the decision to change, the next step is to seek help as some people can stop drinking on their own while others need medical supervision in order to withdraw from alcohol safely and comfortably.

      There’s no magic bullet or single treatment that works for everyone. Everyone’s needs are different, so it’s important that you find a program that is right for you. Alcohol addiction treatment program should be customized to your unique problems and situation.