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I had a high suicidal tendency. I used to self-harm as well. I tried cutting my hand and bleed until my death. I hug myself to a fan. But, Pluckly survived. The best way to prevent is to divert thoughts and spend time with your loved ones. Now I have come out of these thoughts as well as actions. I feel a reason to live, rather than feeling hopelessly helpless and resigning fate. I actually talk to my dad Dy not I am strong enough to face a problem and handle it. H I can’t I try to get disappointed. But, the thought of suicide never came back you will. I am happy for this change in my life.
— Anonymous
“I’m a suicide survivor. Here’s a reminder from me: It can get so dark that you feel completely exhausted, but the times when the sun comes out again is worth it. I want you to live to see those times. Your life in this world is important.” — Anonymous
“I was in a really dark place. Talking helped me realise things would get better.”– Anonymous
“It’s ok to relapse. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Recently, I had gone over a month without self-harming. That’s a big deal for me. But I relapsed this past week. I was so mad at myself for giving in to the thoughts and urges. But I know that isn’t true and have to keep repeating positive statements to myself. I might have given in once, but this is an opportunity to start a new stretch where I can go longer than before!” — Anonymous
When life’s difficulties feel beyond our capacity to cope, we can experience extreme pressure. When emotional pain feels unbearable, a person’s thoughts can become clouded. It can lead them to feel as if suicide is the only option. They may feel that no one can help. However, what we all need to strengthen our hope is to learn, understand, and prevent suicides from happening.
We can start by knowing what the warning signs of suicide are. And if you think you know someone- a friend, a family member who may be thinking about suicide- do not be hesitant to bring it up. Take them to suicide rehab. You may help in saving a life
Over 8,00,000 people end their lives by suicide every year worldwide.
India loses approximately 2.3 lakhs people to suicide every year. 70% of the people who attempt suicide have either bipolar disorder and/or depression. Despite the success rate for depression treatment, 2 out of 3 people affected do not seek out or receive treatment.
Sometimes it can be hard to tell when someone goes from depressed to seriously thinking about suicide. That’s because these signs are often subtle and hard to notice.
Check out the list below to see if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal.
There are certain suicide risk factors to know such as:
In times like these, self-care is essential. Take a bath or shower if that’s what calms you. If you’re struggling, listen to what your body needs. Take care of yourself today. Here are a few more things that can help you-
1. Talk about Your Problems
Problems feel tinier when they are shared with others. They don’t perpetually have to be solved – just addressing it will do you good.
2. Stay Active
Staying active every day, something as simple as a walk is shown to have a positive impact on your mood.
3. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
This will have a definite impact on your health and mental wellbeing, doing it will make it easier to cope with day to day challenges and stresses.
4. Get Help
Sometimes, you can’t do it alone. Don’t keep it yourself. Reach out to a psychologist, counsellor, teacher, parent, or another adult.
If you know someone who is contemplating suicide, here are a few reminders for you:
Know that you are not alone and there are people who care for you, love and cherish you dearly. Understand the impact of your life. Although it may seem like things can not get any better – with time, everything will be alright. Seek help and support from loved ones or get professional help to address what you are feeling. You are not alone.
We want to let you know that even though you feel unworthy and guilty, it is not true. You’re human, and sometimes being human means going through things that don’t always feel so great. Please remember that you matter and that you are not alone.
If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, there is hope. If you’re in crisis or looking for suicide help in India, you can call our our psychiatric emergency helpline that is equipped to handle suicide prevention – 096111 94949 or visit us for any help.
What signs to look out for in teens?
What signs to look out for in adults?
If you see any of the above signs in yourself or a loved one, seek help immediately. Call us on our 24/7 helpline that is equipped to handle psychiatric emergencies – 096111 94949.
What are the top suicide prevention tips to help a loved one?
1. Validate Their Feelings
Even if you feel that their problems are not serious enough to lead to suicide, you need to remember it’s how a person perceives their problems that can lead to suicide attempts. If the problems are dire, suicide feels like an option to them. Hence, if they ever air out their problems, you must listen to them without discounting their feelings. You shouldn’t make them feel like they are overreacting or be dismissive of their experiences. Do not be ignorant about suicide talks. If you find an indication of suicidal thoughts from a loved one, you must suggest a suicide counseling or suicide rehab service to help them before things get worse.
2. Look at Suicide as a Cry for Help
The first step towards suicide prevention and help is identifying your loved ones’ thought pattern and recognizing it as a cry for help. A suicide attempt may not just be about wanting to die, it can be about great emotional/mental anguish and wanting to make a drastic escape. An individual thinks about suicide when they don’t know how to deal with their emotions. If you see any signs, big or small, that point towards a suicide attempt, get professional help immediately.
3. Be a Good Listener
Sometimes, all a person wants is someone to hear them out; be it a loved one or a friend. Unburdening all the troubles can help relieve the mental pressure that may lead to suicide attempts. To be a good listener, you have to be patient and avoid arguing with your loved one. If you feel that you don’t understand what the person is going through and can’t help them in any way, you can suggest that they should go for suicide counseling or suicide rehab. Suggesting suicide therapy doesn’t mean that you don’t want to listen, it means that you care enough to get them professional help.